Heaven is a 2002 Film directed by Tom Tykwer, starring Cate Blanchett and Giovanni Ribisi. Co-screenwriter Krzysztof Kieślowski intended for it to be the first part of a trilogy (the second being L'Enfer and the third having been slated to be titled Purgatory), but died before he could complete the project. It is shot equally in Italian and English.
[In this scene the two main characters learn their lives are synchronised, as they approach the final phase of their departure:]
[In this scene Filippo hears Phillipa give confession after learning that he was born on the same day and year that she received her holy communion:]
[This Scene makes a striking parallel between the two main characters shedding their identities, thereby mirroring one another, and the witnessing of a marriage taking place in the nearby square.]
There is also a sense of something larger than the characters themselves that they seem to be acting out. The backdrop of Catholicism brings to mind the portrayal of women as ushers of an awareness of duality, which over the centuries has been treated much like a kind of crime. If, in our collective mythologies, we accept the feminine as a symbol for the creative, cyclical aspects of our world, and the masculine as celestial, unchanging, then were there ever to be an ultimate union between the finite and the infinite it might play itself out much like this.